Makes you think, doesn't it?

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Beauty. Jon Fratelli. Agh, my brain is a burnt fuse. And my heart is the match.

I just listened to the cd again today. oh god, he is so beautiful. the music makes my heart hurt and my soul feel like jetsam in a tsunami. oh god i am so in love with him. my heart is so big with love for him i can barely hold it in. i love you. you are so beautiful, Jon.

part of me knows this is just how i am, i fall in and out and in again of love like going through kleenex. but the rest of me thinks of it as blasphemy to dismiss this feeling, this...overwhelmed-ness with love as just a thing i do when i see a guy i like. i dont know anymore. all i know is i love him, and to savor it while i have it. Goddess hold my heart gently.

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