Makes you think, doesn't it?

Friday, July 13, 2007

Of Mice and Filched Men, and other stories.

So much to say, fingers so slow. Matt, the hot guy from my job that i like, now works in the warehouse, so i hardly ever see him, there goes the slim chance that relationship had for growth. My miserable dickhead boss put him there, just like Brain, whom he shipped off to the warehouse cause they got in a little tizzy. never mind the warehouse has enough people and the kitchen is seriously strapped. His ego takes precedence over the needs of the business, and then he preaches to me about how hard it is to run a business with losers like he employs. Miserable bastard. I hate him. steal my only friend and then my hot muscle-shirt wearing nice guy. Why cant you just get along with people? Or even just pretend to coexist peacefully? why do you have to use your power to exert force and neanderthal-like, club-weilding dominance over everyone you work over? Miserable jerk. I think i called him a monkeyfucker. :D in my head of course. but i wanted to crack his skull like a fricking coconut. And then he says shit to me like, I'm really not that bad. some people just push my buttons. yeah, i believe the term for them is homo fucking sapiens, jackass. Whew. Glad i got that off my chest. Lets see, what else? ooh, i went to my first vegan shopping trip today! 33.58, i think was the final tally. My mum was supp'd to stay home and watch Pan's Labyrinth with me, but she welched out on me. The irony is not lost on me. My own mother ditching me. It's so sad. See why i need you, Matt? I need someone to feel okay about being ditched with. By my mother, no less. But the shopping trip was soo fun. I bot mac 'n' soy cheese, soy milk, facon, more of those delish morningstar chik'n patties (yum!!), a Naked (brand) Red Machine, a bottle of truly rank acai juice. expensive, but yum. and ooh, also, i finally found Tom's of Maine and Kiss My Face brands, like toothpaste and soap and stuff. they dont test on animals. i had resigned myself to shopping exclusive and Bath n Body Works cuz i couldnt find them. Yay!!! one small step for vegankind, one giant leap for little old me!! i turn 21 in 7 days!! Social D concert this thursday!!!! you should've seen me when my mum was telling me about the place, and that the tix were still on sale. a casual bystander would've thought i was being tortured to death by being forced to hold my pee. :) (sidebar: do i abuse the emoticons? i heard some people find this annoying. sidebar in the sidebar: please email me if you read this blog, i'd really like to know your thots. ) Well, i theenk that's your lot. (Sorry for the obscure Labyrinth reference.)

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